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The Liveability Challenge 2023

รูปภาพนักเขียน: The Trade Council of DenmarkThe Trade Council of Denmark

Are you involved in innovative approaches to solving modern urban living challenges? Join Asia’s largest sustainability solutions platform; the Liveability Challenge 2023, and expand your exposure globally. In 2023, the prize money is doubled to S$2 million.

The Liveability Challenge (TLC) is a global platform for finding and accelerating the development of innovative solutions to present-day urban challenges in the tropics.

The upcoming edition, the Liveability Challenge 2023, marks the sixth installment of the largest sustainability solutions platform in Asia. The platform provides companies with a global reach and helps them expand their positive reputation, with the ultimate goal of creating positive impact for society and planet.

Temasek Foundation is the presenter of the challenge, as part of their philanthropic efforts, supporting the uplifting of lives and communities in Singapore and beyond.

The organiser of the event is Eco-Business, a leading media organisation within sustainable development in Asia-Pacific.

S$2 million in prize money

In this iteration, the presenter and organiser has announced a doubling of the prize money, to S$2 million. There will be a grand prize of S$1 million awarded to two winners in two categories: climate change and food — this year’s two themes.

For solutions to be accepted, the following is needed: proof of concept, and Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL 6) and above.


  • 4 November to April: Submissions

  • April: Finalists shortlisted

  • May: E-coaching

  • May: Pitch preparation

  • June: Grand finale

Focus on Climate change and food & nutrition

For climate change, the organizers are seeking innovations that can remove carbon emissions at scale, including revolutionary technology-based carbon capture, utilisation and storage solutions; low-carbon solutions or solutions that decarbonises energy, urban infrastructure, and transport and logistics systems.

For food & nutrition, the organizers are looking for breakthrough technologies to provide affordable, nutrient-dense and safe food with the aims to establish a circular, net-zero urban food system in three areas critical to ensuring food security: agriculture, aquaculture, and alternative nutrition sources. Learn more at

The Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore is an outreach partner for this event.

Contact the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore for more information about business opportunities and how Denmark seeks to inspire green transition in Southeast Asia:

Mark Edward Perry

Head of Trade at the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore

Phone: +65 9088 5567




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กลุ่มเดนมาร์กรักษ์โลก (Green Denmark) ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ ก่อตั้งขึ้นโดยสภาการค้าแห่งเดนมาร์ก เป็นประชาคมนักคิดและบริษัทสัญชาติเดนมาร์ก โดยมีเป้าหมายเพื่อกระตุ้นและส่งเสริมความร่วมมือด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมระหว่างเดนมาร์กและประเทศต่าง ๆ ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้


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