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Enterprise Singapore's green financing scheme provides 70% risk-sharing of loans

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Green Denmark in Southeast AsiaGreen Denmark in Southeast Asia

Enterprise Singapore (ESG) has enhanced the existing Enterprise Financing Scheme, which is part of the broader Enterprise Sustainability Programme (ESP) to help companies developing green technologies and solutions to capture opportunities in Singapore's green economy.

The extension of this scheme, known as the Enterprise Financing Scheme-Green (EFS-Green) which started on 1 Oct 2021 and will last until March 31 2024, will support financial institutions in lending funds to firms by undertaking risk sharing of 70%. Funding will specifically support clean energy, circular economy, green infrastructure and clean transportation sectors, and the firms this scheme will support includes project developers, system integrators, and technology and solution enablers.

EFS-Green covers a range of financing needs, including developmental capital, fixed assets, trade, project, venture debt and mergers and acquisition, and will be supported by partner financial institutions including DBS Bank, HSBC, OCBC and UOB.

"Demand for green solutions is set to grow globally as countries and industries strive to set practices and targets to control the adverse impact that emissions have on global warming. EFS-Green is meant to enable green technology innovators in Singapore to have easier access to green financing, in order to create ever-evolving, ever-improving solutions."
Png Cheong Boon, ESG Chief Executive Officer

Type of Loans and Maximum Loan Quantum

Source: Green Overview, Enterprise Singapore

Contact the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore for more information about business opportunities and how Denmark seeks to inspire green transition in Southeast Asia:

Mark Edward Perry

Sector Expert at Royal Danish Embassy Singapore

Phone: +65 9088 5567





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กลุ่มเดนมาร์กรักษ์โลก (Green Denmark) ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ ก่อตั้งขึ้นโดยสภาการค้าแห่งเดนมาร์ก เป็นประชาคมนักคิดและบริษัทสัญชาติเดนมาร์ก โดยมีเป้าหมายเพื่อกระตุ้นและส่งเสริมความร่วมมือด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมระหว่างเดนมาร์กและประเทศต่าง ๆ ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้


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