The Global Innovation Challenge invites your company to present innovative solutions in water reclamation through automation, robotics, and inspection technology.

PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency, is calling for innovative solutions to tackle challenges in water reclamation. The Global Innovation Challenge Cycle 4 (GIC4) presents an opportunity for companies to contribute their expertise in automation, robotics, and inspection technology to drive advancements in water reclamation processes.
PUB has presented three challenge statements defining the focus for the GIC4:
Condition Assessment of DTSS Tunnel - How can we inspect the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) tunnel without the need for human entry?
Condition Assessment of Used Water Pumping Mains - How do we better assess the condition of our aged pumping mains, particularly for pipes with sharp bends and sections filled with water?
Robotics for Process Tank Cleaning - How do we clean the process tanks of water reclamation plants without requiring human entry to improve safety and reduce reliance on manual labour?
PUB will be hosting a virtual information session on 19 March 2024, 3pm (UTC+8), to provide interested parties with deeper insights into the challenge statements and the opportunity to engage in direct Q&A with PUB officers. Registration for the info session is open and can be done through the following link:
For more information on the Global Innovation Challenge, visit
Contact the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore for more information about business opportunities and how Denmark seeks to inspire green transition in Southeast Asia:
Mark Edward Perry
Head of Trade at the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore
Phone: +65 9088 5567