EGN Singapore's recently established Sustainability Peer Group helps professionals build strong and lasting relationships in a confidential setting, but more importantly, facilitates green transition across multiple sectors.

EGN's Sustainability Peer Group
Established in Svendborg, Denmark in 1992, EGN strives to provide personal, professional and business value through a trusted network of like minded peers.
EGN's Singapore-based chapter has recently launched a Sustainability Peer Group for professionals in Singapore. This confidential group is designed as a supportive forum to uncover and discuss key issues around sustainability, path to net zero, risk management and profit opportunities that confront business owners and SMEs in the fast moving space. By delving into key issues, executives can attain the key information they have been missing or find collaborators to develop shared solutions.
Today, as EGN operates in 15 countries and has a global network of 14,000 members, representing more than 8,000 companies and 70 professions, EGN members exist as part of a global community with direct access to business leaders and specialists via its online Members’ Universe. Here, members can ask questions, join debates and network with more than 14,000 members from 15 countries.
Chair of the Group: Joanne Flinn
The Sustainability Group is chaired by Joanne Flinn who is an advisor on international governance and Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) at CPA Australia. Flinn is about strategic sustainability so that executives can get the right things done at the right time. Formerly Country Head of the Financial Services Consulting Practice for PwC and a member of the IT ExCo at DBS, she recently lead a strategy project the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, a for a $1.5billion fund.
How will this Peer Group work?
This group will meet 6 times a year for 4 hours. At the meeting, the members will take turns to present their challenges and strategies to further green transition from all angles. Together with the members of the group, the Chair will facilitate discussion and define clear action points for members to take care of in between meetings.
Additionally, this Peer Group does not specialise in any sector, instead looks for diversity with only one player from each industry being represented.
EGN networks operate within the following framework
Members can participate in 6 peer group meetings each year for a half day at a central Singapore location with dates set a year in advance.
Members enjoy access to at least 52 Members Only virtual Cross-Functional events per year including focus groups on digital transformation, innovation, human capital, future of works, developing markets, personal development, and networking evenings. Executive Members also get access to 12 in-person Cross-Functional events and four in-person Economic Forecasts.
Knowledge sharing in the group is in the strictest confidentiality.
EGN will provide an experienced facilitator to run all aspects of the group and meetings.
The group has its own website with contact data, calendar, documents, and presentations.
How are peers matched?
The EGN groups consists of 30-35 executives or specialists at a member's own level specially put together by EGN's Network Advisors. These peer groups are carefully composed according to members’ profiles, to ensure adequate input from professionals who match your level of management and discipline, as well as to make certain that you are not placed in a group of competitors or significant customers.
All candidates must be approved by both the Chair and specific peer group members before joining a group. This, both to match relevant peers and to avoid private friends, customer relationships and competitors in the same network group to stimulate honest and fruitful discussions.
Please see EGN's website for more information:
EGN (Executives' Global Network)
Nick Jonsson
Co‑Founder & Managing Director EGN Singapore
Mobile: +65 8618 3872
Telephone: +65 6932 5069
Contact the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore for more information about business opportunities and how Denmark seeks to inspire green transition in Southeast Asia:
Mark Edward Perry
Sector Expert at Royal Danish Embassy Singapore
Phone: +65 9088 5567